10 tricks to burn fat

Easy weight Loss
Easy Weight Loss

After writing the post of the perfect breakfast and perfect dinner we have noticed in Vitónica to be explained some tricks to burn fat , because almost all generalizing when saying that if the calories you eat are lower than That you consume then you will lower the fat, and yes that is true but relatively.

These 10 tips to burn fat are used by the vast majority of physio-bodybuilders in lowering their fat depending on the time when they are, so any of us to do the same, regardless of the type of sport you Is going to have the same purpose: to lower those extra accumulated fat kilos that our body has.
We thought divide the list into two parts to make reading the post will not make very heavy, and perhaps putting 10 in the same input could be tedious reading a lot of aces information without delay start with the list of first five tricks :
Reduce calories
Everyone has a general image that less consumed and calories burned fat is low , and yes, mainly mathematics do not lie, that's quite true, because when a calorie deficit you create the body you have no one to Use the fats to make up. Without entering into the particularities that we will later see in the rest of tricks this is the key independently of any diet.
As a rule a person burns about 40 calories a day per kilogram of weight , if I put as an example means you need 3200 calories because of my 80 kilos of weight, if the days you do not train as 30 calories per kilo and that I train it down to 35 calories tells me that I will have to put 2400 calories and 2800 calories respectively.
The easiest way to cut calories is to remove excess fat from the diet , (must be between 15 and 25%, no more) remove the butter, oils or fatty foods, chicken skin, remove yolks Eggs, eat lean meats, ... although you can leave unsaturated fats (healthy) like salmon or nuts. These fats favor the absorption of vitamins, help to create hormones and to lower the bad cholesterol.
Eat more protein
This peculiarity is when the above rule is not entirely correct because a calorie from protein is not the same as a calorie from fat or one that comes from carbohydrate , since it comes from the protein feeds muscles (Not fat) and excess carbohydrates accumulate as fat.
In addition adds muscle protein (note that for that you do sports, eat only does not serve) and this does is increase the basal metabolism , which is nothing more than our body burns simply by living. In addition, the body consumes more calories by processing the protein than when it comes to processing carbohydrates or fats, so that's why we burn more fat.
For all this if your diet has more protein you consume, already, more fat, even when both diets contain the same amount of calories, hence in the first recalcáramos trick that not always mathematics eating less calories than Consumes lowering fat, eating more protein even though you set more calories than the ones you burn you lose more fat.
If you make weight should eat 2 grams per kilogram peses (although you should be for each kilogram of muscle you have which you should measure yourself to the level of body fat), but to eat 1 to 1.5 grams per kilo it is more than enough. You can do this by eating tuna, turkey or chicken breast, steaks, egg whites, protein powder or curd, lowering your fat intake to less than 20% of the total.

low-calorie diet
Low-calorie diet
While you will not increase anything your metabolism, it is a good way to eat less at the end of the day, because by making smaller meals your body is feeling full longer and get perfect control hunger with hearty meals .
Of course the bottom line is the total calories a day, but this trick serves to not be in that total and to lead a low - calorie diet .
Reduce your intake of carbohydrates

It is very important to lower fat intake but equally or more important is to try to reduce the hormones that accumulate fat and a way to control them is cutting carbohydrate intake because eating them insulin which is a hormone that prevents releases fat Decomposes and favors the one that accumulates.
This is where the hard glycemic index food is simple so the amount of insulin released a food causes when assimilated, and each carbohydrate has a different index, more glycemic index more insulin released by the more important is to discard that Type of carbohydrate because it is not good for fat burning which is our goal.
But what are these carbohydrates of high glycemic index ? White rice, potatoes, sweets, white bread, many cereals and cakes of any kind. And those with low glycemic index ? Whole grains, oats, sweet potatoes and legumes that should be the ones we eat in the case of resorting to carbohydrates. Reduce by half the amount of rice or pasta you eat is also a good trick, if you used to throw two cups, throw one, if you throw 100gr, drop 50gr.
Never eat carbohydrates without protein

In the previous section we discussed how important that foods have a low glycemic index because they release less insulin but not only that, as a low glycemic index means slower digestion and therefore a slower assimilation. Refined carbohydrates are assimilated very quickly by raising insulin levels and therefore we must avoid them when looking for fat burning.
But there is a trick if you go to eat for example a cup of cold cereal (usually rapid digestion) and is eaten with protein and small amounts of fat . Therefore you have to take that cup of cereal with a scrambled egg whites, a little cottage cheese or a can of tuna to the natural drained.

In addition to combining carbohydrates with proteins there are vegetables that always slow digestion such as broccoli or broccoli, green salads (lettuce several, endive, ...), cauliflower or green beans, and while eating with other carbohydrates make General digestion slows down.

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