How can I lose weight without making mistakes is the question you ask before starting a diet.

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How can I lose weight without making mistakes is the question you ask before starting a diet. Sacrifice has to be worth it, so knowing what mistakes should not be made when facing a diet helps a lot to the final result. If you are controlling the meals, you exercise more, but the scale resists giving you a joy ... we have to check what is happening.
Many blog readers ask me how can I lose weight? I eat a diet? Does exercise help with weight loss? What mistakes do I make that prevent me from losing weight?
To answer all these questions I have elaborated an article that highlights, above all, the most typical mistakes we make and that prevent us from losing weight.
If you become aware of them and avoid them, you will see that losing weight is not so difficult, you just have to be careful.

12 Typical Errors That Prevent Weight Loss

1. Shakes and meal replacements

For example, you have at some point replaced a meal or dinner with shakes or diet bars that promise to help you lose weight. Have they worked for you? I know the answer, I have used them myself.
The truth is that it is very difficult to feel satisfied after eating a slimming shake or something like that to replace a meal. There are plenty of healthier options and satiating. With the same or even fewer calories as you can be a fruit salad or a delicious yogurt with blueberries, fat and fresh fruit.
But this is just one of the many typical mistakes that are made when you want to lose weight with some urgency.

Skipping some food

Another typical error when you want to lose weight is to skip dinner, or breakfast. It is often thought, mistakenly, that when not ingesting a meal, they save the calories.
And yes, they save, but with consequences.
The metabolism accuses the lack of calories and slows down . This means that when you return to your normal eating, the metabolism burns very slowly, because it is slower, and fattening more easily. I advise you to read: How to combat the rebound effect .

Light drinks

Another common mistake is not to drink water and instead take light drinks without stopping (total, have 0 calories ....). The truth is that abuse of drinks light also causes an abuse of consumption of sweeteners that leads.
Among its components are some substances that can be harmful to our body such as sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin.

Make quick crash diets

In this blog you can find crash diets like the lemon diet , or diet for 2 weeks. The problem of crash diets is if you keep in time , ie if you book for a long time.
When you eat so few calories for more than a week, your body adapts and makes your metabolism slower, burning calories more slowly. This causes the opposite effect fatten .
If however if you do crash diets very short, such as diet Monday or a detox diet, metabolism slows down not because soon return to ingest food normally.
Of course, for the diet of shock to make sense, do not eat again as before, if not, it does not help.
diet for health
Low-fat food

Tackle low-fat food

This is a very common mistake in weight loss diets. Many people confuse low - fat foods with light foods or with few calories . That's why they usually take large portions, or even repeat, low-fat but high-calorie products.
A typical example are low-fat cakes, but they are a calorie bomb. Many people generously serve themselves by thinking that they do not gain weight, and, in the end, take more calories than if they took a small piece of plain cake. The best way to know how much fat, sugar and calories by eating these is to check the nutritional label.

Do not keep strict control while you diet

You do not realize the amount of calories you ingest even with small bites. Understandably, if you are cooking for more people try the food, or you finish the snack of your child if it is not finished.
These little gestures will cost you dearly. On average, there are probably 25 calories in each of those snacks.
To avoid the lack of control there who advises buying a notebook and write down everything you will be eating. There are also a lot of mobile applications that you add the calories and you subtract worn with exercise. The important thing is to be aware of the calories you eat.

Do not exercise

If you do not exercise, the responsibility for weight loss lies with the diet. But if you make any physical activity you can eat more of the things you like and still lose weight.
The key is to find an exercise that makes you enjoy yourself. It does not matter if you've never done any.
In the series: Learn the latest craze in exercise you can find a very novel varied exercises, some, to perform in gyms or on your own, but if they will seem boring, try swimming, cycling, dancing, etc..
In " 8 tricks for a healthylife " you can see other activities and sports that also serve you to lose weight. Try different activities for a while until you find one you like.
In addition to helping you burn calories the exercise gives you an optimistic and vital state that will help you in whatever you propose.

On the other hand it is also not good to do too much exercise

Yes, you read it right. Keep in mind that exercise should be combined with diet if we lose weight. On many occasions people think that if you exercise you will lose weight automatically, and then you will become frustrated.

The ideal is to base 70% on nutrition (diet) and 30% on exercise.

Weigh yourself daily, the worst you can do

Weighing yourself daily is a great way of getting frustrated, plus they will not provide useful information. It is more important to see how much you have gone down once a week.
If your goal is to lose between 1 kilo or 1 kilo and a half aweek, it will give you much more joy to see how you have achieved thinking on Sundays, or on Mondays.
The result is more motivating than the small and confusing weight changes that occur daily.

Do not hydrate properly

You have to drink 2.5 liters a day and should be water , not sugary soft drinks or juices or light. Apart from that you can increase your calories without realizing it, they are not very healthy foods.
Natural water keeps you hydrated and sats you, helping to control your appetite. Many studies have been done that have shown that people who drink two glasses of water before eating consumed up to 90 calories less.
Telling yourself that you will lose 5 kilos in the first week probably will frustrate because it is very difficult and is not healthy for the dreaded  rebound effect .
If you realize that you will not be able to do it, you will never be able to lose weight since you feel discouraged and unable.

A Realistic Goal Is Vital To Diet Success

Do not control calories

Imagine that you are doing a diet rigorously, but between half of the meal someone celebrates the birthday and gives one or two bites to the cake. Or your son offers you to try their ice cream, or they invite you to a canita in the afternoon, or ....
All these "little" extras can sabotage your diet even though they may do it with rigor and well planned.
You must keep a check on the calories you eat, you can even point them in a notebook or calculate them with the mobile applications on the market.

Do not eat breakfast

Not having breakfast is one of the errors that I highlight in this blog. Skipping breakfast may seem like the easiest way to reduce calories but the result is a disaster, as it can - and often - generate an insatiable hunger during the morning or the rest of the day.
The consequences of skipping breakfast can be a pecking  continuous  or get to lunch with excessive hunger and eat more than you should, with increasing calories that this entails.
However breakfast with high protein and fiber helps you reduce hunger all day. In fact, studies show that people who eat breakfast every morning are more likely to maintain a healthy weight.
You also have to know that your performance will be better if you are fed than if you are fasting.

Drinking calorie drinks

By counting calories, many of us tend to overlook those in our drinks. This is a big mistake, especially if we consider that some combination cafes and many alcoholic beverages have more than 500 calories . Even juices and soft drinks carry many calories. For example a coke has 10 tablespoons of sugar! Is one of the most fattening caloric drinks.
What 's worse is that liquid calories do not stop the hunger . You will not eat lessafter a high-calorie drink.

Do only 2 strong meals a day

Another common mistake in diets is to pass a long time between meals, and do only two a day .
People who eat several small meals a day are more likely to control hunger and lose weight. This you can see in the Diet Picote or one of the popular diets of this blog.
Eating between meals helps keep your metabolism going, especially if snacks are high in protein.
Nuts are a good and rich choice for their protein and different studies suggest that people who eat nuts tend to be thinner than those who do not.

In addition to how I can lose weight without making mistakes, I advise you to read.

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