The best diet to lose weight without hunger or pills !!!!

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There are several ways to lose weight in a short time, but most of them determine that the subject feels almost constant hunger. 

And if you do not possess a bullet-proof will, feeling constantly unsatisfied will lead to the abandonment of the diet quickly.

But here we present a three - step plan designed to kill appetite, lose kilos quickly without feeling hungry and at the same time, improve health in the process .

First step: remove sugars and starches

The most important part of this process is completely remove the sugars and starches (carbohydrate) diet .

These are the elements that most stimulate the secretion of insulin, the main hormone when determining fat storage.

When insulin goes down, it makes it easier to remove fatty deposits, and the body starts burning fats instead of carbohydrates.

Another benefit of lowering insulin has to do with the fact that the kidneys get rid of excess sodium and water in the body, which reduces unnecessary swelling (1).

It is not uncommon to lose up to 5 kg (even more) in the first week eating this way, both fat and weight in water .

In a study comparing low-carbohydrate diets with high-fat diets in overweight and obese women, the low-carbohydrate group felt satiated, while the low-fat diet group had to restrict calories and suffered More hungry (2).

So if carbohydrates are removed, insulin will drop and immediately begin to consume fewer calories less hungry (3). Basically, lowering insulin levels causes fat loss to be set to "autopilot".

In short: Eliminating sugars and starches (carbohydrates) from the diet will lower insulin levels, kill appetite and cause weight loss without hunger.

Step two: consume protein, fat and vegetables

Each of the meals must include a source of proteins , other vegetable fat and low carbohydrate .
Building the dishes this way will automatically put the consumption of carbohydrates in the recommended range of between 20 and 50 grams per day.

The sources of protein can come from meat, seafood, and eggs (the best are enriched with omega-3 or from hens fed naturally).

Consuming a good amount of protein can accelerate the metabolism to between 80 and 100 calories per day (4). In addition, high protein diets can reduce obsessive thoughts about food by about 60%, halve the desire to eat late at night and increase satiety such that up to 440 calories can be consumed Less per day by simply adding protein to the diet (5).

Low - carb vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, chard, lettuce, cucumber and celery .

Do not hesitate to fill the plate with these vegetables. They can eat large amounts of them without going beyond the range of 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.

A diet based on meats and vegetables contains all the fibers, vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy organism. There is no physiological need to include grains in the diet.

Finally, the best sources of dietary fats are coconut oil, lard, olive oil, lard and beef . In this sense, the best cooking fat is coconut oil. It is rich in medium chain triglycerides, fats that are satiated better than others and may slightly accelerate the metabolism (6, 7).

Do not be afraid of saturated fats, as they do not raise the risk of suffering heart disease as popularly believed. And trying to carry forward both a low-carb and low-fat diet is a recipe that will most likely fail as it will have a very low satisfaction rating.

The ideal is to consume two or three meals a day. If there is hunger in the afternoon, you can add a fourth meal .

In short: You have to assemble each meal by combining one source of protein, another of fats and vegetables low in carbohydrates. This will keep your carbohydrate intake in the ideal range of 20-50 grams and drastically reduce insulin levels.

Step 3 (optional): Exercise three or four times a week

You do not need to exercise to lose weight with this plan, but it is advisable. The best option is to go to the gym three or four times a week . Preheat, lift weights and then stretch.

If it is the first time you go to a gym, it is good to ask advice from a coach.
Lifting weights will burn some calories and prevent the metabolism slows, a common side effect of weight loss (8).

Studies around low-carbohydrate diets show that even some muscle is gained while fat is lost (9).
If lifting weights is not a viable option, do some cardio (running, jogging, swimming or walking) is sufficient .

To summarize: It is ideal to accompany the diet with some resistance training, such as weight lifting. If it is not a good option, cardio also works.

Optional step: eat carbohydrates once a week

step loss weight
Simple Step
You can take one day off of the diet per week to eat more carbohydrates. It is important to stick to healthy sources, such as oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes and fruits .

But if this custom moves to more days, it will ruin the chances of success of the diet.

This free day is not necessary, but can be used to regulate some fat-burning hormones, such as leptin and thyroid hormones (10, 11).

You may gain some weight during this free day, but mostly it will consist of fluids and will be lost in the next two days.

In short: Eating more carbohydrates on a single day a week is acceptable, but necessary.

What about calories and portion control?

There is a need calories while the carbohydrates consumption is kept low and is restricted diet protein, vegetable fat and low carbohydrate .

The main goal is to keep the consumption of carbohydrates between 20 and 50 grams a day and get the rest of the calories from protein and fat.

·         Drinking water, coffee or tea: thirst must be satisfied with water. If it is customary to drink tea or coffee, it can be done freely, since both raise the metabolism slightly (12, 13). Meanwhile, a study shows that drinking water half an hour before each helps to consume fewer calories and lose 44% more weight food. It can also slightly accelerate metabolism (14).
·         Using smaller plates: studies show that people automatically eat less when using smaller dishes. It is strange, but it works (15).
·         Eating eggs for breakfast: studies show that people who replace a cereal - based breakfast with eggs other feel more satiated for the next 36 hours and lose up to 65% more calories (16).
·         Consume viscous fiber: the viscose fiber supplements like glucomannan can help you loseweight, especially in the abdominal area (17).
·         Choose foods that help weight loss: Some foods, such as chicken breasts, salmon, tuna, avocado and whole yogurt can help you lose weight.
·         Sleep well: poor sleep is associated with the sum of kilos and obesity (18).
·         Reduce stress: living stressed can raise cortisol, and this hormone causes fat accumulation in the abdomen (19).

Good sleep and low levels of stress also prevent cravings, the worst enemies of any diet.

What results to expect?

The first week can be lost between 2.5 and 5 kg (sometimes more) and then continue to lose weight consistently .

If it is the first time you diet, weight loss is likely to be rapid. The more weight you have to lose, the faster you will lose.

During the first few days, there may be some symptoms of body fitness to start burning fats instead of carbohydrates. But usually this goes away after two or three days, and adding some sodium to the diet can help.

Then people who follow this diet say they feel positive and energetic. And, in addition to losing weight, cutting carbohydrates can improve health in other areas:

·         Blood sugar tends to fall (20).
·         Triglycerides also decrease (21).
·         It lowers small and dense LDL cholesterol (which is harmful) (22).
·         HDL (beneficial) cholesterol rises (23).
·         Blood pressure is significantly improved (24).

In addition, low-carbo diets seem to be easier to follow than other diets.

It is not necessary to feel hungry

If you have any preexisting medical condition, you have to talk to the doctor before taking on this diet because you can sue adjust doses of certain drugs .

Reducing carbohydrates and lowering insulin levels changes the hormonal balance, making the body and brain "want" to lose weight.

This leads to a drastic decrease in appetite, eliminating the main reason why people fail by following conventional weight loss methods.

Diets low in carbohydrates make you lose weight two or three times more than the typical low-fat diet with calorie restriction (25, 26).

Another great benefit to the impatient is that the initial decline in liquid weight can lead to a large difference in the balance in no time.

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